Tag Archives: spring-boot

Increasing uploaded files maximum size in a Spring Boot 2 application

When uploading a file to a SpringBoot Application, you will get the following exception for files over 1 Mb size :

Maximum upload size exceeded; nestedexception is java.lang.IllegalStateException:org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.impl.FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field fileexceeds its maximum permitted size of1048576 bytes.

These are the default Spring Boot limits. To increase these limits to 10 Mb, with Spring Boot 2, add the following lines to your application.properties file:


Solving Eclipse/maven error : dependency/ a.b.c (managed from x.y.z)

If Eclipse/M2E reports a maven dependency version conflict, with message “managed from x.y.z” (ex : “jooq/ 3.7.1 (managed from 3.6.0)“), the conflicting dependency is defined by an ancestor of the current maven project (could be its parent, great-parent, great-great-parent, etc.).

For example, let’s say maven signals a dependency conflict for a spring-boot 1.3 application. Version 3.7.1 of the JOOQ library is used while you specified version 3.6.0 (which is a pain because JAVA 7 is targeted, while JOOQ 3.7.1 only supports JAVA 8).

The error returned by the SpringBoot application is :
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/jooq/SQLDialect :
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

JOOQ is used by a dependency of the spring-boot application. The main application itself has no reference to JOOQ.

Indeed :

  1. project A declares a maven dependency on JOOQ 3.6.0 :
    [code lang=xml]


  2. project B declares a maven dependency on project A, and defines spring-boot-starter-parent as a parent
    In project B dependencies, Eclipse/M2E flags JOOQ as “version 3.7.1 (managed from 3.6.0)” while version 3.6.0 is expected.
  3. spring-boot-starter-parent has spring-boot-dependencies as a parent, which itself manages dependencies for JOOQ
    [code lang=xml]



To fix it, you could add a jooq 3.6.0 dependency to project B, so that the maven dependency conflict solving strategy uses this version since it is the nearest dependency. But that would be ugly. A cleaner solution consists in overriding the jooq.version property defined in spring-boot-starter-parent, as documented here :
[code lang=xml] 3.6.0 [/code]