Category Archives: Development Tools

Docker cheat sheet

A few commands commonly used to create, configure, or access docker containers

Start a new MariaDB container:

docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="" -e MARIADB_ALLOW_EMPTY_ROOT_PASSWORD=true -d

SSH to a running docker container

docker exec -it  <container name> /bin/bash

View running containers:

docker ps

View stopped/inactive containers:

docker ps -a

How much time do you spend coding ?

Time tracking is a pain when you have to do it for your boss, but it’s incredibly useful when you do it for you own projects, to find out what parts takes most of your time, how much time did you dedicate to this side project, etc.

For years I’ve been using Rescue time, I recently switched to, which is more programmer oriented. Its integration with VS Code (and most of the majors and not so majors IDEs) is great, and the reports really detailed.

Exporting GIT history to a CSV/Excel file

There are many tools to compute stats from your GIT repositories, but sometimes, you may just want to export it to Excel and make your own quick and direty stats.

the git log command, with pretty print, is your friend. For example, the following command will display the commit date, hash, commiter name and email, and the commit message :

git log --pretty=format:%cI,%h,%an,%ae,%s > commits.csv

The pretty format documentation is available here :

How to digitally sign your outgoing emails with Outlook ?

Would you like to prove to your contacts the authenticity of your emails ? A S/MIME signature of your messages may be a solution. It will guarantee that a message comes from you, and that its content wasn’t altered. You can do it for free – as long as it’s for a personnal use – using a Comodo free email certificate. The solution may be seducing, but there are two caveats.

First, the validation of your signature is done by your recipient email client, and most email clients just don’t support it. As a rule of thumb, consider only the outlook desktop app supports it (gmail,, default android client don’t support it, iphone can support it but it’s disabled by default). And there’s nothing you can do about it.

Second, the procedure to sign your messages may give some headaches, and it’ll be different for each email client. But at least, here is a step by step guide to digitally sign outgoing messages on Outlook.

  1. Get a mail Certificate
  2. Install your mail certificate in your local certificate store
  3. Check that your certificate is properly installed
  4. Configure Outlook to sign outgoing messages

1. Get a mail certificate

If you don’t already own a mail certificate, you can get a free one from Comodo here, or directly here.
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