Category Archives: Angular

Not using the local TSLint version found

When the following message is displayed by Visual Studio Code for an angular project, it’s time to switch from TSMint to ESLint, as TSLint has been deprecated for a while now.

Not using the local TSLint version found for 'c:/Users/nicol/Documents/GitHub/Bartleby/frontend/src/app/create-dossier/create-dossier.component.ts'
 To enable code execution from the current workspace you must enable workspace library execution.

This documentation from Microsoft describes the process :

Displaying an asycnhronous loader in angular

To display a loader while waiting for an AJAX call to be processed, use a template, and an *ngIf / else condition on a container.

Example, with ng zorro :

<ng-container *ngIf="!saving else loading">
Will be displayed once the "saving" variable is false.

<ng-template #loading>
  <div nz-row nzJustify="center">
    <nz-spin nzSimple></nz-spin> Displayed as long as the "saving" variable is true ...