Tag Archives: spring

Increasing uploaded files maximum size in a Spring Boot 2 application

When uploading a file to a SpringBoot Application, you will get the following exception for files over 1 Mb size :

Maximum upload size exceeded; nestedexception is java.lang.IllegalStateException:org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.impl.FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field fileexceeds its maximum permitted size of1048576 bytes.

These are the default Spring Boot limits. To increase these limits to 10 Mb, with Spring Boot 2, add the following lines to your application.properties file:


Spring Data and JpaRepository method naming convention

Spring Data can infer SQL queries from JpaRepository method name. That’s a great tool to uniformize query generations, and make code more readable. Obviously, this only works for simple SQL queries, wchich is indeed what you should strive for.

The documentation about the JpaRepository method naming convention is available here :


Key points :

  • “Order by” is represented by the keyword “OrderBy”, followed by the name of the entity member variable. Keyword “Asc” and “Desc” indicates the sort direction. You can sort by multiple columns by specifying each colum and its sort direction.
    Ex : findByDossierOrderByDateAscIdAsc(Dossier dossier)