Following yesterday article, I thought I could publish the glossary we use at Work, which was created by one of my coworker, and that I now maintain.
You can find it here : EMV Acronyms Glossary
Monthly Archives: August 2013
Online EMV Glossary
One of the pain when working with EMV is the number of acronyms/abbreviations you have to memorize. This nice EMV glossary, courtesy of CreditCall, is a great tool when memory is not up to the task :
Verifone compiler vrxcc doesn’t support file names longer than 32 characters
If you like long, explicit file names, and that you’re working with vrxcc (the Verifone eVo/Verix SDK compiler), you may sometimes notice that your output file name gets truncated and doesn’t have the expected extension. That’s a bug in the vrxcc compiler (versions <= 1.3 ), and it may cause many headaches.
How to view logs on a Verifone Vx 810 duet terminal ?
The Verifone Vx development environment is quite limited when comes the time to debug your application. You may have tried to use the RVDS remote debugger, just to understand that it (kind of) works fine for a simple “Hello World” application, but it’s unusable when implementing a solution relying on several applications (like a VMAC app, for example). You’re back to basics, using logs to find out what’s going on. This article describes the procedure to enable system logging on a Verix Vx 810 duet.
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